Frankly, our underwater clean-ups are so much fun that people are always telling us we should charge for them! For this one though, there will be no charge.
The Maui Diamond II and their crew will donate a business day and their time and expertise along with some Maui Dreams staff who will lead the underwater teams for this clean-up event.
There ARE prerequisites for participation though, and they are as follows:
DIVERS must hold at least Advanced Open Water certifications and have recent diving experience and good buoyancy control. If you don't have this certification yet, there's still time to get it!
SNORKELERS are also welcome as surface-support, but this is a very important role, so snorkelers should also have advanced water skills as well as good stamina and swimming ability!
ALL PARTICIPANTS must have the Project Aware certification. If you don't have it, it's easy to get, and the only cost is the $35 for the certification card. So what are you waiting for? You can download the manual for free, complete the knowledge review at the end of the book, and get yourself on the schedule!
To download the manual, just click here. - it's FREE!
Space is limited and reservatiosn ARE required, so get to it! If you are going to want Nitrox, please arrange for that at the time of booking for $12/tank.